Tuesday, October 05, 2010


This last week we took Megan in to see an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor at the request of her speech therapist. We decided to step back from doing preschool and to focus only on taking Megan to speech twice a week. Her speech teacher was suspicious Megan might have a soft palate disformity that was causing her to speak mainly through her nose.
In taking her to the ENT, she was diagnosed with velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI). Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is a disorder resulting in the improper closing of the velopharyngeal sphincter (soft palate muscle in the mouth) during speech, allowing air to escape through the nose instead of the mouth.
Megan's speech teacher feels 85% sure that Megan's VPI is mislearned, because Megan is able to get the sounds out correctly when she tries really hard to say them. So, now we are doing some targeted practice to help her the best we can.
After six months of speech therapy, we will go back to see the ENT and evaluate if the therapy is helping or not.
It is good to know what's going on and why, my prayer is that the speech therapy is effective and our talkative, vibrant little girl can be fully understood by everybody:)


Marla Rowland said...

And I agree with you for that! Megan has so much to say and I know she will be glad when we all can understand everything she says. She seemed to be having fun with the therapy exercises when I was there the other day. We'll pray that continues!

Adam N said...

Amen! Meg is so incredibly sweet and has so much to say! :) We are praying for her and you all.
Love you,