Sunday, August 29, 2010


I have been inspired (by my aunt) to start a blog recording the events of our daily life. My hope is that this will be a window into our lives, that you will laugh, cry, be encouraged, entertained, or whatever each day brings.

This past year, the Lord had me on a journey of praying about the decision to either home school C.J. and Adrian or to continue with the school that they were enrolled in. The culmination of that time resulted in the Lord telling me to keep them home this year. It took me a while to listen and be obedient, but as I decided to home school, the Lord has given me amazing peace and an excitement.

So, this blog will be a place to share this new adventure with you, the ups and downs, the hard and great days and life in between.

As we officially start the year the Lord reminded me of so many of the reasons why we came to the decision to home school. At the core of it is a desire to keep close and connected as a family, wanting to have less hectic mornings and evenings where we can spend time together, wanting to cultivate and teach our kids about a growing relationship with Jesus, opportunity, funds and time to be involved in activities, a safe and secure place to learn and grow, ability to focus on C.J. reading confidently. There are more but those are off the top of my head. The song I keep thinking of is "trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey".

We have just finished our first week of school and I feel like I have already learned a lot about what will and won't work for us, I am sure each day is going to be a learning experience for a while. Derek started school this week as well, so life is getting busier. We are excited about what the Lord is doing in our lives and can't wait to see what this year holds for our family.


Marianne Wick said...

Good for you Janelle! Loved reading your reasons for this new adventure. I know the Lord will bless it. Looking forward to reading more...

Adam N said...

Wow, your reasons are so perfect! Obviously from God. I love you,