Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Hunting Season

September 1st was the opening day for moose hunting season and Derek got his first ever moose that morning! Praise God! I will put a picture of it on here as soon as I get a chance. It was a huge moose with a ton of meat, after processing on Friday and Saturday we now have a full freezer, the first time ever for us, it feels amazing!

We took a couple of days off of school between processing moose and the Labor Day holiday. After about four days off CJ said "mom, maybe we shouldn't do home school, because we don't really have time". Honestly, I needed a breather for a few days, I was getting pretty worn out.

Starting up again this week felt great though, I am so excited about that. The break was nice but I really love having a routine, we all just do better with it.

This past week I learned three things that are going to help with school: 1. the kids getting good sleep and enough sleep makes a huge difference in how well that do the next day, 2.consistency is going to help the kids know what's expected and it just becomes what we do, 3. make learning fun, I find that the work we are doing is a lot of book type work and the kids need some fun and some different teaching methods as well. I am praying for creative ideas.

So far I've come up with...I signed the kids up to be matched up with a pen pal so they are looking forward to that. The kids are making alphabet books, where they draw, write and cut, they are really enjoying it. We went on a walk in search of earthworms and came home with one worm and seven slugs, so we learned about slugs...they are pretty disgusting creatures.

This week has been really good (only 2 days, but worth celebrating) I feel like Adrian is figuring out this school thing we do in the morning is going to be a part of our day and she hasn't whined as much:) I have been enjoying teaching these past couple of days.

Megan is doing well in preschool, I take her in the morning and she rides the bus home. She had her first speech time and they are working on the 'tuh' sound. She is very tired each day but still seems to look forward to going back to school in the morning. They started show and tell this week so she brought her barbie Ariel the first day and a princess book today.

Today CJ started a Mad Science class that goes on for six weeks. It is perfect for him, he is so fascinated by everything science. It made me so happy to see him enjoying something so much, really finding something that interests him and that he can do on his own and feel special. I am so thankful for all of it and just for him to be able to participate in such a cool program that he wouldn't otherwise be able to do.

I think I'll head to bed, Derek is working next to me on the other computer, writing a five page paper...I am thankful for him and all the sacrifices he is making to go to school.

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