Friday, June 17, 2011


Megan and I are leaving for Seattle this coming week. It will be a whirlwind trip. We leave at 2:40am Wednesday the 22nd and arrive in Seattle at 7am. Megan has three appointments at the VPI Clinic that day, then we leave Seattle at 7:45 pm.

I am excited to find out what they say and to have a plan for what is next for her.

Here is some information from the children's hospital about the appointments Megan will have on Wednesday:

What May Happen During My Appointments?

A speech language pathologist will see your child for about an hour to assess your child's speech.

After speech testing, your child may have one or two additional tests. These procedures may be scheduled an hour or more after the speech test.

During the second appointment, an otolaryngologist performs a nasopharyngoscopy, using a flexible fiber optic tube inserted into the nose to see the back of the throat where the velopharyngeal muscles are attempting to close.

The other procedure that may be performed is a special X-ray of your child's palate and throat during speech. This test requires flavored drops to be inserted into the nose so the palate and throat muscles can be seen clearly.

Both of these procedures are recorded and will be reviewed with you. The speech management recommendations will be based on the results of these tests.

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